Only Stakeholder Centered Coaching® makes leadership change both visible and measured
Many coaching approaches focus on leadership assessments, goal setting, and action planning between the leader and the coach. Often the major outcome from such efforts is increased awareness and acceptance. As a result leaders intellectually understands where change would be desirable and how they could move to higher levels of effectiveness through action planning. The coach then reviews, with the leader in private, the progress made on the plan and revises the plan based on these conversations. (To see when our next certifications are offered scroll down and click in the bottom box on this page – Sign up for Upcoming Certifications in the U.S. – to see the dates and locations).
Taking Action and Acknowledgement of Progress is key!
Marshall Goldsmith’s Stakeholder Centered Coaching® process takes the leadership change process much further, taking it outside the leader’s office, and into his work environment with the leader’s stakeholders. Stakeholders are in the best position to provide important and insightful suggestions for improvement and behavioral change on the job. In light of this, the Stakeholder Centered Coaching® process includes a much stronger emphasis on follow up, implementation and reinforcement by involving a much wider network of people in a disciplined way than traditional coaching. The Stakeholder Centered Coaching process delivers real value through the implementation of change that is sustained, recognized and acknowledged by stakeholders in the workplace.
Marshall Goldsmith created and pioneered the use of the Mini-Survey™ to measure the degree to which stakeholders see improvement on a goal chosen by the leader. This short online survey asks only four questions. These are:
- To what degree has this leader become more effective on their goal of…? (Choosing from a 7-point scale from “Less” to “More” effective)
- How frequently did this leader follow-up with you to ask for feedback and suggestions? (Choosing from a 5-point scale from “None” to “Frequently)
- What has this leader done in the past few months you have found particularly effective?
- What is one thing you would like this leader to do differently?
The use of the Mini-Survey™ is a differentiator for coaches using Stakeholder Centered Coaching®. And is a requirement for any coaching to be considered a Stakeholder Centered Coaching® engagement. Additionally, for a coach to reach Advanced and Master Level Certification they will use one of our two Mini-Survey™ approved services to validate the results. The results from the Mini-Survey™ serves as evidence that we are succeeding on our mission of “to measurably improving leadership behavior around the world.”